The latest pixel art life-sim RPG, Potion Permit, is out today and while my review for the game is still a few days away, I wanted to take a break from my potion brewing to give you a guide for all your romancing needs. Well, in the game that is.
Romanceable Characters

There are six total romanceable characters in Potion Permit, 3 bachelors and 3 bachelorettes:
• Leano
• Martha
• Mateo
• Reyner
• Rue
• Xiao
How to Increase Friendship
Now you know their names, but what next? That’s pretty simple. There are two things you can do in the game to increase friendship with characters:
• Talk to them
• Give them a Moon Cloves
Moon Cloves are items you get for completing certain quests and treating sick patients. They aren’t super common in the early hours of the game, so use them wisely.
Finding Your Partner
This is less about who is the right match for you, and more so about how to find them physically. Moonbury isn’t a large town but with the characters moving, it can be hard to keep track of them. That’s where your dog comes in. Here’s how to track someone down:
• Whistle to get your dog’s attention
• Interact with your dog
• Select the NPC option in the menu
• Pick the character you want to find
Becoming Better Friends

After you fill up a friendship bar for a character, you unlock a character-specific quest that you can find on the community boards around town. (Like in front of the Police Station for example.) You’ll know this is available when a lock icon appears on the friendship bar. You cannot make any friendship progress with that character until you complete that quest.
There you have it, the beginner’s guide to romance in Potion Permit. Where will the romance lead you? I’ll leave that for you to discover. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to talking to Martha about flowers.