Why There is No Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy


Lots of fans were upset when it was announced that there would be no Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy a few months back. While the real reason is probably something to do with difficulty fitting it into the story/ creating the gameplay mechanics, there is also an in-game reason given as to why this dangerous broom-flying sport has been canceled this year at Hogwarts.

After you get sorted into your house, Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black gives a small speech informing students quite vaguely why Quidditch has been canceled this year. Apparently, there was a serious injury on the pitch last season and that led to the decision.

While I wish there was Quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy (boy did I love that old Quidditch World Cup game on PC), there is still plenty to do in the game from exploring the castle to visiting Hogsmeade. Hogwarts Legacy is out tomorrow on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.