Deck-Building FPS Friends vs Friends is Out Now on PC


Friends vs Friends, the delightfully frantic deck-building first-person shooter from developer Brainwash Gang and publisher Raw Fury, is out now. The game combines deck-building with the frenetic fun of an online PvP shooter. You can choose your character, create a custom deck of madcap weapons and abilities, and hop into fast-paced multiplayer mayhem.

If you’re wondering how a first-person shooter can have deck-building mechanics, in Friends vs Friends all your powers, weapons, and debuffs are played from your deck of cards. Become a titan, summon friendly turrets, steal health with vampire bullets, or just give your opponent a big head. Earn new cards, level them up, and unlock new characters with unique skills in 1v1 or 2v2 game modes.

Key Features of Friends vs Friends

  • Friends vs Friends: Matchmake with players worldwide in fast-paced 1v1 or 2v2 combat, or host private matches with your friends. Need support? Invite some pals to spectate!
  • A Game with Character: Choose from a cast of stylish characters, each with their own special abilities that improve the synergies of your deck.
  • Progress to Impress: Level up and get new cards through matched bouts and timed challenges.
  • Stack Your Deck: Collect weapons, trap and curse cards, then level them up to increase their power.
  • Play Dress-Up: Unlock cool cosmetics like skins and card design variants for bragging rights!
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Go up against bots to try out new card combos and improve your skills for when it really counts.
  • Low Price + High Quality = How?! Keep the crew together! Friends vs Friends levels the playing field on cost, so jumping in is a big-brain move.
  • Updates & Seasonal Content: Expect loads of post-launch content, including new unique characters, cards, maps, and upgrades to your home base!

Friends vs Friends is out now on PC via Steam. Along with the base edition for $10, you can also purchase the Friends vs Friends: Deluxe Edition, a bundle that includes the full base game, the digital game soundtrack featuring six music tracks, and the next two Premium Expansions coming post-launch. The game will also release on consoles sometime later this year. You can watch the colorful launch trailer below.