Initially released in 2014, at the turn of the console generation, The Evil Within was the debut game from Tango Gameworks. From creator Shinji Mikami, The Evil Within is considered to be a spiritual successor to Resident Evil. It’s a trippy and twisted horror game that takes about 15 hours to beat. Here is a list of every chapter in the game.
- Chapter 1: An Emergency Call
- Chapter 2: Remnants
- Chapter 3: Claws of the Horde
- Chapter 4: The Patient
- Chapter 5: Inner Recesses
- Chapter 6: Losing Grip on Ourselves
- Chapter 7: The Keeper
- Chapter 8: A Planted Seed Will Grow
- Chapter 9: The Cruelest Intentions
- Chapter 10: The Craftsman’s Tools
- Chapter 11: Reunion
- Chapter 12: The Ride
- Chapter 13: Casualties
- Chapter 14: Ulterior Motives
- Chapter 15: An Evil Within
Tango Gameworks went on to make Hi-Fi Rush and, in early 2024, got closed by Microsoft before being reopened by KRAFTON later the same year. It is important to note that while KRAFTON also acquired the Hi-Fi Rush IP, The Evil Within name still stays with Xbox. To hear more about The Evil Within, check out the first impressions video below from our weekly podcast. Be sure to subscribe for more!